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Tên sản phẩm: Đầu báo khói Sensor 1412 - 1400
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Giao hàng tận nơi khu vực Tp.Hồ Chí Minh.
Địa điểm bán: S-400-bc
All 400 Series ionization smoke detectors include a unique dual source, dual unipolar chamber detection design which will sense the presence of smoke particles produced by fast combustion as well as slow smoldering fires. This chamber exhibits increased stability, significantly reduces nuisance alarms, and provides better performance at higher air velocities.
The 400 Series meets the performance criteria required by UL/ULC. Additional key features include an LED which blinks in standby and latches on to indicate an alarm. Detectors feature convenient field testing and sensitivity metering. The model 1400 includes remote LED annunciator capabilities using the RA400Z.
Dùng kết hợp với trung tâm báo cháy, cảm ứng khói.
Xuất xứ : System Sensor - Mỹ.
- Đầu báo khói Ion, có đèn báo trạng thái
- Nguồn: DC 12V, 77mA
- ThờI gian khởI động: 2 giây
- Nhiệt độ: 0oC đến 49oC
Đăng ngày 12-04-2011 01:00:00 PM - 3290 Lượt xem
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400 Cái Trong kho
3290 Lượt xem