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Mã sản phẩm: SPR-VIKING-03
Tên sản phẩm: Đầu phun sprinkler VIKING hướng lên
VK 138 VK 210 VK 030
Khuyến mại:
Bảo hành: 12 Tháng
Địa điểm bán: TP.HCM
Ghi chú: VK 138
VK 210
VK 030
Đăng ngày 18-04-2013 05:11:14 AM - 3168 Lượt xem
Viking Micromatic® Special Response
• Available Styles: Upright, Pendent,
and Conventional
210 N. Industrial Park Road
Hastings, Michigan 49058, U.S.A.
Telephone: (269) 945-9501
(877) 384-5464
Fax: (269) 945-9599
e-mail: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com
Zone Industrielle Haneboesch
L-4562 Differdange, Luxembourg
Telephone: (352) 58.37.37
Fax: (352) 58.37.36
e-mail: vikinglux@vikingcorp.com
Viking Micromatic® Special Response
Sprinklers are small thermosensitive
glass bulb sprinklers available in various
finishes, temperature ratings, and orifice
sizes to meet design requirements.
During fire conditions, the heat-sensitive
liquid in the glass bulb expands, causing
the bulb to shatter, releasing the pip cap
and sealing spring assembly. Water
flowing through the sprinkler orifice
strikes the sprinkler deflector forming a
uniform spray pattern to extinguish or
control the fire.
Refer to the Approval Chart on pg 125 c.
Glass-bulb fluid temperature rated to
-65 °F (-55 °C).
Factory tested hydrostaticallyto 500 PSI
(3 448 kPa).
Min. Operating Pressure: 7 PSI (48,3
Rated to 175 PSI (1 207 kPa) water
working pressure.
Testing: USA Patent No. 4,831,870
Response Time Index (RTI): 50-80 (ms)½
Frame: Brass Castings UNS-C84400
Deflector: Brass UNS-C26000
Bulb: Glass, nominal 4 mm or 5 mm diameter
Belleville Spring Sealing Assembly:
Nickel Alloy, coated on both sides
with Teflon Tape
Compression Screw: Brass UNS-C36000
Pip Cap: Brass UNS-C31600, or:
Pip Cap and Insert Assembly: Copper
UNS-C11000 and Stainless Steel
Polyester Coated Sprinklers:
Belleville Spring Sealing Assembly:
Screw: Nickel Plated
Brass, Chrome-Enloy® (patents pending), and White Polyester
ACCESSORIES(order separately)
Sprinkler Wrenches:
A. Standard Wrench: Part No.
10896W/B (available since 2000) or
05000CW/B (no longer available)
B. Wrench for Coated and Recessed
Sprinklers: Part No. 07398W* (available since 1990) or Part No.
12144W/B** (available since 2003).
NOTE: Recessed pendent sprinklers with protective caps must
use wrench 12144W/B.
*A ½" ratchet is required (not available from Viking).
See the “Sprinkler Accessories” section
of the Viking data book.
WARNING:Viking sprinklers are manufactured and tested to meet the rigid requirements of approving agencies. The
sprinklers are designed to be installed in
accordance with recognized installation
standards. Deviation from the standards
or any alteration to the sprinkler after it
leaves the factory including, but not limited to: painting, plating, coating, or
modification, may render the sprinkler
inoperative and would automatically nullify the approval and any guarantee
made by The Viking Corporation.
A. Viking sprinklers are to be installed
in accordance with the latest
edition of Viking technical data,
the latest standards of NFPA, FM
Global, LPCB, Assemblee
Pleniere, VdS, or other similar organizations, and also with the provisions of governmental codes,
ordinances, and standards whenever applicable. The use of Special
Response sprinklers may be limited
due to occupancy and hazard. Refer
to the Authority Having Jurisdiction
prior to installation.
B. Sprinklers must be handled with care.
They must be stored in a cool, dry
place in their original shipping container. Never install sprinklers that
have been dropped, damaged, or exposed to temperatures exceeding
Form No. F_021396
Sprinkler 125 a
November 18, 2005
Sprinkler Temperature
Nominal Sprinkler Temperature
Rating (Fusing Point)
Maximum Ambient
Ceiling Temperature1
Ordinary 155 °F (68 °C) 100 °F (38 °C) Red
Intermediate 175 °F (79 °C) 150 °F (65 °C) Yellow
Intermediate 200 °F (93 °C) 150 °F (65 °C) Green
High 286 °F (141 °C) 225 °F (107 °C) Blue
Sprinkler Finishes: Brass, Chrome-Enloy®, and White Polyester
Based on NFPA-13. Other limits may apply, depending on fire loading, sprinkler location, and
other requirements of the AuthorityHaving Jurisdiction. Refer to specific installation standards.
The temperature rating is stamped on the deflector.
Table 1
Pendent Upright Conventional
Replaces page 125 a-c, dated January 28, 2005
(5 mm glass bulb is an alternate).the maximum ambient temperature
allowed (refer to Table 1). Never install any glass-bulb sprinkler if the
bulb is cracked or if there is a loss of
liquid from the bulb. Any sprinkler
with a loss of liquid from the glass
bulb should be destroyed immediately.
C. Sprinklers must be protected from
mechanical damage. Sprinklers subject to mechanical damage must be
protected with an approved sprinkler
D. Use only sprinklers listed as corrosion resistant when subject to corrosive environments. When installing
corrosion-resistant sprinklers, take
care not to damage the corrosion-resistant coating. Use only the special
wrench designed for installing coated
and recessed Viking sprinklers (any
other wrenchmay damage the unit).
E. Use care when locating sprinklers
near fixtures that can generate heat.
Do not install sprinklers where they
could be exposed to temperatures
exceeding the maximum recommended ambient temperature for the
temperature rating used.
F. Wet-pipe systems must be provided
with adequate heat. Sprinklers supplied from dry systems in areas subject to freezing must be listed dry
sprinklers, or upright or horizontal
sidewall sprinklers installed so that
water is not trapped. For dry systems, pendent sprinklers and sidewall sprinklers installed on return
bends are permitted, where the
sprinklers, return bend, and branch
line piping are in an area maintained
at or above 40 °F (4 °C). When installing Special Response Sprinklers on dry systems, refer to the installation standards and the Authority
Having Jurisdiction.
G. Before installation, be sure to have
the appropriate sprinkler model and
style, with the correct orifice size,
temperature rating, and response
characteristics. The sprinklers must
be installed after the piping is in place
to prevent mechanical damage.
Keep sprinklers with protective caps
or shields contained within the caps
or shields during installation and testing, and any time the sprinkler is
shipped or handled.
1. Install the escutcheon, (if used)
which is designed to thread onto
the external threads of the sprinSprinkler 125 b November 18, 2005
Approval Chart
Micromatic® Special Response Sprinklers
Standard Orifice
Thread Size
Sprinkler Description Nominal K-Factor Overall Length Listings and Approvals2
NPT BSP Style Base
Part No.1
SIN U.S. metric4
½” – 175 psi Pendent3
09224 VK134 5.6 8,1 2-3/16 56 – – – – A2X, B2Y –
– 15 mm 175 psi Pendent3
09956 VK134 5.6 8,1 2-3/16 56 – – – – A2X, B2Y –
½” – 175 psi Upright 09226 VK138 5.6 8,1 2-3/16 56 – – – – A1 –
– 15 mm 175 psi Upright 09959 VK138 5.6 8,1 2-3/16 56 – – – – A1 –
½” – 175 psi Conventional 09225 VK136 5.6 8,1 2-3/16 56 – – – – A1 –
– 15 mm 175 psi Conventional 09958 VK136 5.6 8,1 2-3/16 56 – – – – A1 –
Large Orifice
¾ 20 mm 175 psi Pendent3
09228 VK212 8.0 11,5 2-3/8 60 – – – – A1X, B1Y –
¾ 20 mm 175 psi Upright 09227 VK210 8.0 11,5 2-3/8 60 – – – – A1 –
¾ 20 mm 175 psi Conventional 09229 VK214 8.0 11,5 2-3/8 60 – – – – A1 –
Small Orifice
– 10 mm 175 psi Pendent3
09285 VK032 4.2 6,0 2-3/16 56 – – – – A2X, B2Y –
– 10 mm 175 psi Upright 09284 VK030 4.2 6,0 2-3/16 56 – – – – A1 –
Approved Temperature Ratings
A - 155 °F (68 °C), 175 °F (79 °C), 200 °F (93 °C),
and 286 °F (141 °C)
B - 155 °F (68 °C), 175 °F (79 °C), and 200 °F (93 °C)
Approved Finishes
1 - Brass and Chrome-Enloy®
2 - Brass, Chrome-Enloy®,
and White Polyester
Approved Escutcheons
X - Standard surface-mounted escutcheon or the Viking
Model F-1 Adjustable Escutcheon5
Y - Standard surface-mounted escutcheon or the Viking
Model F-1 Adjustable Escutcheon5
, or recessed with the Viking Micromatic®
Model E-1 or E-2
Recessed Escutcheon
Sprinkler base part number shown. For complete part number, refer to Viking’s current price schedule.
This chart shows the listings and approvals available at the time of printing. Other approvals may be in process. Check with the manufacturer for
any additional approvals.
Refer to the “Sprinkler Accessories” section of the data book for approved escutcheons and other accessories.
Metric K-Factor shown is for use when pressure is measured in kPa. When pressure is measured in BAR, multiplythe metric K-factor shown by10.0.
The Viking Microfast®
Model F-1 Adjustable Escutcheon is considered a surface-mounted escutcheon because it does not allow the fusible element of the sprinkler to be recessed behind the face of the wall or ceiling.
Temperature KEY
A1X Escutcheon (if applicable)kler. Refer to the “Sprinkler Accessories” section of the data
book for approved escutcheons
and other accessories.
2. Apply a small amount of pipe-joint
compound or tape to the external
threads of the sprinkler only, taking care not to allow a buildup of
compound in the sprinkler inlet.
NOTE: Sprinklers with protective
caps or bulb shields must be contained within the caps or shields
before applying pipe-joint compound or tape.
3. Install the sprinkler onto the piping
using the special sprinkler wrench
only, taking care not to overtighten or damage the sprinkler
operating parts. DO NOT use the
deflector to start or thread the
sprinkler into a fitting.
H. After installation, the entire sprinkler
system must be tested. The test must
be conducted to comply with the installation standards.
Make sure the sprinkler has been
properly tightened. If a thread leak
occurs, normally the sprinkler must
be removed, new pipe-joint compound or tape applied, and then reinstalled. This is due to the fact that
when the joint seal is damaged, the
sealing compound or tape is washed
out of the joint.
Air testing the sprinkler piping prior to
testing with water may be considered
in areas where leakage during testing
must be prevented. Refer to the installation standards and the Authority
Having Jurisdiction.
I.Remove plastic protective sprinkler
caps or shields AFTER the ceiling
finish work is completed where
the sprinkler is installed and there
no longer is a potential for mechanical damage to sprinkler operating elements. To remove the
bulb shields, simply pull the ends of
the shields apart where they are
snapped together. To remove caps
from frame style sprinklers, turn the
caps slightly and pull them off the
SERVICE!Retain a protective cap in
the spare sprinkler cabinet.
J. If it is necessary to remove the entire
sprinkler unit, the system must be
taken out of service. See section 7.
MAINTENANCE and follow all warnings and instructions.
NOTICE: The owner is responsible for
maintaining the fire protection system
and devices in proper operating condition. For minimum maintenance and inspection requirements, refer to the
NFPA standard that describes care and
maintenance of sprinkler systems. In
addition, the Authority Having Jurisdiction may have additional maintenance,
testing, and inspection requirements
that must be followed.
A. Sprinklers must be inspected on a
regular basis for corrosion, mechanical damage, obstructions, paint, etc.
The frequency of the inspections
may vary due to corrosive atmospheres, water supplies, and activity
around the device.
B. Sprinklers that have been painted,
caulked, or mechanically damaged
must be replaced immediately.
Sprinklers showingsigns of corrosion
shall be tested and/or replaced immediately as required. Installation
standards require sprinklers to be
tested, and if necessary, replaced after a specified term of service. Refer
to the installation standards (e.g.,
NFPA 25) and the Authority Having
Jurisdiction for the specified period of
time after which testing and/or replacement is required. Sprinklers
that have operated cannot be reassembled or re-used, but must be replaced. When replacing sprinklers,
use only new sprinklers.
C. The sprinkler discharge pattern is critical for proper fire protection. Nothing
should be hung from, attached to, or
otherwise obstruct the discharge pattern. All obstructions must be immediately removed or, if necessary, additional sprinklers installed.
D. When replacing existing sprinklers,
the system must be removed from
service. Refer to the appropriate sysSprinkler 125 c
November 18, 2005
Special Response Pendent Sprinkler
with a Standard 1/8" (3,1 mm)
Surface-Mounted Escutcheon
Special Response Pendent Sprinkler
Installed with the Viking Microfast®
Model F-1 Adjustable Escutcheon Special Response Pendent Sprinkler
Installed with the Viking Micromatic®
Model E-1 Recessed Escutcheon
Ceiling Opening Size: 2-5/16" (59 mm) Minimum,
2-1/2" (64 mm) Maximum.
(56 mm)
(54 mm)
2” (51 mm)
1-1/2” (32 mm)
1-3/4” (45 mm)
(54 mm)
1” (25 mm)
Special Response
Pendent Sprinkler
(45 mm)
Figure 1tem description and/or valve instructions. Prior to removing the system
from service, notify all Authorities
Having Jurisdiction. Consideration
should be given to employment of a
fire patrol in the affected area.
1. Remove the system from service,
drain all water, and relieve all
pressure on the piping.
2. Using the special sprinkler wrench,
remove the old sprinkler and install the new unit. Care must be
taken to ensure that the replacement sprinkler is the proper model
and style, with the correct orifice
size, temperature rating, and response characteristics. A fully
stocked spare sprinkler cabinet
should be provided for this purpose. Follow instructions in section 6. INSTALLATION.
3. Place the system back in service
and secure all valves. Check for
and repair all leaks. Sprinkler systems that have been subjected to
a fire must be returned to service
as soon as possible. The entire
system must be inspected for
damage and repaired or replaced
as necessary. Sprinklers that
have been exposed to corrosive
products of combustion or high
ambient temperatures, but have
not operated, should be replaced.
Refer to the Authority Having Jurisdiction for minimum replacement requirements.
Sprinkler 125 d November 18, 2005
Replaces page 125 a-c, dated January 28, 2005 Form No. F_021396
(5 mm glass bulb is an alternate).
Đăng ngày 18-04-2013 05:11:14 AM - 3168 Lượt xem
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